Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Down by the pond...with my new camera!

I got a new camera last night (new to me anyway) and I am so excited! I have been booking quite a few photo sessions so it was time (my former camera wasn't really professional quality, but served me well in learning!). I have a session coming up on friday so I wanted to get some practice in, on the boys of course. Today we went down by the pond which is always enticing to them. I edited them with a 70s feel which I am loving lately, although I know some of you may not like it. Something different though. So here they are...

Best buddies

All 3 by the pond

Lincoln chasing the boys with a frog catching net (yes he is trying to hit them with it and instead of stopping him, I took pictures, but I like this one, check Caden out with his arms in the airplane position, gotta love boys!)

Friday, September 4, 2009

Caden goes to Kindergarten!

I can't believe my first baby is in Kindergarten! All day. From 8 til 4. Only 2 kids under my feet. Still feels like 10 though. We all survived the week pretty well. It was an adjustment for Brady and Lincoln not having Caden around. Brady kept asking why it was "taking so long" for Caden to come home. Lincoln was into trouble even more than usual.

It seems that Caden has done pretty well at school (from what he tells us) although he did tell us that he earned 4 stickers and would have had 5, but he lost one during quiet time. He wasn't being quite...I know this is a shock to all who know him. Maybe the bigger surprise is that he earned 4 stickers, yay! Yesterday he came home with a very scraped up knee with a BIG bandage on it. We got his version of events which went something like this. "What happened to your knee Caden?". "Oh, I was playing on the playground and I fell on some rocks. Then I went to the health room. I didn't cry though. And I still got to go out and play a little more before the bell rang." Later while we were on a walk we ran into Caden's friend Ellie who is our neighbor. (She by the way is in first grade and Caden professes to love her). She gives us more details of the knee injury. It seems that Caden made friends with Ellie's friend Tyler (also a first grader and who seems to have Ellie's attention...hmmm) and Tyler and Caden were chasing Ellie and her friend Mara on the playground when the fall happened. 4 days in and he is chasing older women! Somehow this is also not too surprising.

When Caden gets home from school he does well for about an hour and then things go downhill fast. He is so tired and just can't control himself, especially his mouth! He usually ends up in trouble and then we just send him to bed. We are hoping the 3 day weekend will get him caught up on sleep...maybe.

Most importantly Caden loves school. So here was Caden's first day in pictures (and one of Ellie at the bottom)...

Ready to go...

So excited and handsome too!
Brady really wanted to go on the bus too. He waited right next to Caden for it to come.

Not even a moments hesitation!

Getting on the bus...
Getting off the bus at school (most kids went & found their parents, Caden just waved and kept walking, much too busy for us)

Waiting for Mrs. Gokey (his teacher who he thinks the world of)

Meeting a new friend who thinks what Caden has to say is very interesting!
Lining up to go in to school
Going in to school!

His hook outside his classroom

Cute and spunky Ellie (from this summer)